Get rid of all your junk food in the fridge and replace them with fruits and vegetables. I understand if some of the junk food belongs to your brother or sister, but try to persuade them to change their lifestyle.
How to Change/Alter Your Unhealthy Lifestyle
It will be much easier for you if your surroundings are doing the same thing as you.
Exercise. Exercising is very important because it will make you fit.
You should exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes to 1 hour 3 times a week.
The more you do it the more it becomes a habit. I love exercising because it releases all the negative energy in my life. And the only way you will get through it is if you think of it in a positive way.
DROP IT! If you smoke then STOP.
Smoking will actually lead you to an unhealthy lifestyle. It will rotten up your lungs, make your teeth yellow, make your fingernails smell bad, give you cancer, but most importantly give the people around you cancer.
I know this is silly but shower! Having lice or dandruff is as worse as having an unhealthy lifestyle. Also showering will make you clean and not germy as well as making you smell nice.
Shower AT LEAST 3 times a week. But remember DO NOT ADD TO MUCH CONDITIONER! It can make your hair fall.
How to Change/Alter Your Unhealthy Lifestyle
- Drink tons and tons of water! First of all its good for your health.
And second of all it will make you full before you eat. I usually drink
a cup of water before I eat so I am already half way full so I don't
over eat.
- Pushups. When ever you are hungry or more likely BORED and you feel
like eating but its not time yet then do 5 pushups to teach your mind to
not think of the food because pushups are torture to everyone in the
beginning even me!
- If you go to your friends house and you know there is gonna be junk food just pack your own lunch! It's that easy!
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